Jul 7, 2015
Closer to CT!
We are expecting Phil in CT in the next few weeks! (end of July) Stay tuned for more information!
Jun 27, 2015
Hey everyone, I heard from Phil this afternoon and he has officially crossed the halfway point. Hooray!
Jun 23, 2015
Question: What have you eaten along your trails that you have never considered eating before? CHEERING YOU ON "RIGHT CLICK"-- ~Sandra...

Jun 23, 2015
Jun 20, 2015
Q: Phil, do you listen to any music or read any books? Was curious whether music enhances or detracts from such a venture and was...
Jun 19, 2015
Before and After
Have you seen Phil lately? Check this out:
Jun 18, 2015
Day 91
Life on the Trail... Phil is staying at Manasses Gap shelter tonight, Mile 980.1, after 2 nights in Front Royal, VA trying to get the...

Jun 8, 2015
Jun 8, 2015
Day 81
Life on the Trail.... Phil was spending the night at the Maupin Field Shelter which is around mile 837. He was planning to hike into...
Jun 4, 2015
Day 77
Update from June 3rd from Sandy (Phil's wife) "I received a voicemail from Phil mid day letting me know that he was at mile 788. Hiking...